Energy inclusion as a driver of community-focused development
In two studies of commercialization of agricultural products conducted during 2017 and 2018 oriented local organizations, it was found that the instability of electric power and the high costs of fossil fuels, have become a bottleneck for the implementation of new technologies necessary for production (chicken breeding and controlled grazing), conservation (lack of refrigeration of agricultural and livestock products of greater commercialization such as animal protein). These difficulties have affected the food security of their populations, the consolidation of economic alternatives for young people that guarantee their permanence in their reserves, and have worsened the quality of life of women.
The project consisted of demonstrating that a community-centered development approach that uses energy as the engine of change improves the living conditions of farmers and communities of the Pijao people in the short and long term. It has three main lines of work: development of pilot projects, capacity building and scaling up, and replication of the models developed. The pilot projects implemented, sought to strengthen productive processes already existing in the communities, based on the implementation of solar photovoltaic systems.